05 August 2008

Electric Arc Furnace Dust (KO61) Material Safety Data Sheet

Cascade Steel Rolling Mills, Inc., Oregon, USA. Electric Arc Furnace Dust (KO61) Material Safety Data Sheet, January 2001 (Revised: 4/03, 9/05)


Chemical Name & Synonyms: Electric Arc Furnace Dust (KO61), Baghouse Dust
Chemical Family: Metal
Formula: Mixture

Section 3 Toxicology and Health Information

Effects of Overexposure: Electric Arc Furnace Dust under normal conditions does not present an inhalation, ingestion or contact health hazard. However, operations such as blowing, sweeping, or moving the dust may result in the following effects if exposure exceeds the exposure limits. Exposures to high concentrations of metallic dusts may result in irritation of the respiratory tract and/or sensitization of the lungs and other mucous membranes. Signs and symptoms of overexposure include redness, swelling, itching, and/or irritation of skin and eyes, respiratory difficulties such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, central nervous system effects, flu-like symptoms, anorexia and/or weight loss.

Acute: Exposure to metal particulates can cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation and/or sensitization. Ingestion of dust may result in increased levels of lead in the body, resulting in lead poisoning. Skin contact with dust may cause irritation or sensitization, possibly leading to dermatitis.

Chronic: Excessive and repeated exposures to dust may cause:
  • Allergic sensitization - dermatitis and asthma
  • Lung inflammation and damage - pneumonitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, siderosis, diffuse pulmonary firbrosis
  • Nasal perforation and nasal cavity damage
  • Eye inflammation
  • Central nervous system damage, possibly permanent
  • Kidney damage
  • Liver damage
  • Gout - inflammation of the joints
  • Lead poisoning
  • Target Organs: Respiratory tract
  • Route of Entry: Inhalation, ingestion
Carcinogenicity: The carcinogenicity of this product as a whole has not been tested. Individual components and some compounds of these elemental metals may have been associated with carcinogenicity by NTP and IARC. Iron - IARC Cancer Review Group 3. OSHA/ACGIH Not classifiable as a human carcinogen. Nickel - Confirmed carcinogen. ...

Section 6 Accidental Release Measures

Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: Shut off ignition sources. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Compressed air should not be used to clean up spills. During cleanup, skin and eye contact and inhalation of dust should be avoided as much as possible. Provide local exhaust or dilution ventilation as required. Appropriate PPE should be worn if exposure limits are exceeded. Collect material in compatible and appropriately labeled containers. For small dry spills, place material into clean dry container with a clean shovel, and cover loosely. ...

Section 7 Storage and Handling

... Handling Precautions: Avoid breathing of and contact with dusts. ...

Section 11 Toxicological Information

Data not available for the mixture.

Iron: Excessive exposure of eyes to airborne iron dust can cause conjunctivitis, choroiditis, and retinitis. Chronic inhalation of excessive concentrations of iron oxide fumes or dusts may result in development of a benign pneumoconiosis, called siderosis, which is observable via x-ray. Inhalation of excessive concentrations of iron oxide may enhance the risk of lung cancer development in workers exposed to pulmonary carcinogens. LD50 (oral, rat) - 30 gm/kg.

Zinc: High airborne concentrations of dust may cause temporary irritation of the nose and throat. Metal fume fever can be caused by inhalation of zinc oxide fume formed in air from welding or heating zinc metal. Zinc compounds have relatively low toxicity by ingestion.

Chromium: The health hazards associated with exposure to chromium are dependent upon its oxidation state. The metal form (chromium as it exists in this product) is of low toxicity.

Nickel: Nickel fumes are respiratory irritants and may cause pneumonitis. Exposure to nickel and its compounds may result in the development of a dermatitis known as "nickel itch" in sensitized individuals. The first symptom is usually itching, which occurs up to 7 days before skin eruption occurs. Nickel sensitivity, once acquired, appears to persist indefinitely. Nickel and certain nickel compounds have been listed by NTP as being reasonably anticipated to be carcinogens. IARC has listed nickel compounds within group 1 and nickel within group 2B. Nickel is not regulated as a carcinogen by OSHA.

Aluminum: Inhalation of finely divided aluminum and aluminum oxide powder has been reported as a cause of pulmonary fibrosis and lung damage.

Silicon: Elemental silicon is an inert material which appears to lack the property of causing fibrosis in lung tissue. Silicon dust has little adverse affect on lungs and does not appear to produce significant organic disease or toxic effects when exposures are below the permissible exposure limit. Silicon may cause chronic respiratory effects.

Manganese: Chronic manganese poisoning may result from prolonged inhalation of manganese dust and fumes. The central nervous system is the chief site of dmage from the disease, which may result permanent disability. Symptoms include languor, sleepiness, weakness, emotional disturbances, spastic gait, recurring leg cramps, and paralysis. LD50 (oral, rat) - 30 mg/mkg.

Copper: Industrial exposure to copper fumes, dusts, or mists may result in metal fume fever with atrophic changes in nasal mucous membranes. Chronic copper poisoning results in Wilson's Disease, characterized by a hepatic cirrhosis, brain damage, demyelination, renal disease, and copper deposition in the cornea. Copper fume (respirable) has appeared on the ACGIH Notice of Intended Changes (1996 & 1997). The intended ACGIH TLV for respirable copper fume is 0.05 mg/m3.

Section 12 Ecological Information

It is believed that this product, based on its components, will be hazardous to fish, animals, plants and the environment if released, the degree of which would depend on the particle size and quantity released. This material may persist in the environment for long periods, based upon its corrosion resistant, insoluble, and non-biodegradable properties. As with all foreign substances do not allow to enter the storm drainage systems.


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